
Monthly Archives: May 2016

Smarter solution for automotive preventive & predictive diagnostics

Background Latest development of automotive world have lead to various internal parameters of vehicle available on an electronic interface. Currently, such parameters are checked and analyzed mostly either during regular service maintenance point or when some problem has occured in vehicle (reactive way) Vision Vision for this solution is to have a system that captures these […]

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Enabling citizen participation in Governance

During the period Oct’15 – Feb’16, as part of community project, a demonstrable solution was developed that can help in enabling citizen participation in Governance. Background Idea conceptualization happened in the background of current problem of common citizens feeling helpless and frustrated as there is no platform for reporting of problems / grievances related to city / town […]

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Smart City Expo 2016 experience

Smart City as a buzzword has picked up across Indian States. Still the offerings seems to be missing the substance expected! Every organization is projecting to be moving on line of Smart City / World Concept, yet the value that should get delivered from an integrated Smart City / World concept to target customers seems to be missing. The possible reason […]

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